Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal fatigue is complicated and not an easy problem to correct. It may take one to two years to feel better. Many times there are underlying health problems that are causing adrenal fatigue. In this case you need to find out what the cause is. It could be an ongoing infection or inflammation. It can be candida overgrowth, irritable bowel syndrome, or any of a number of health problems that cause ongoing stress to the adrenals. The underlying cause needs to be addressed as well or you will never be able to heal your adrenal glands. Below are some supplements, herbs, hormones, and some advise to help you with adrenal fatigue.

Supplements That Help Adrenal Fatigue

Vitamin C (2,000-6,000 mg/day sustained release) -- best taken with bioflavonoids. Vitamin E w/mixed tocopherols (800 IU/day) Vitamin B100 Complex Pantothenic Acid B5 (1200-1500 mg/day) Magnesium Citrate (400-1200 mg) -- I like this best in the powdered form such as in Natural Calm. This form of magnesium makes sure it is absorbed. Start with small amounts and work up slowley. Liquid Trace Minerals -- they have a calming effect Adrenal Glandular -- or desiccated adrenal gland is extremely important in the initial phases of adrenal repair since it provides raw materials to support adrenal function. It also contains some important adrenal hormones.

Herbs That Help Adrenal

Rhodiola Rosea -- It enhances memory and concentration. It has been shown to reduce stress-induced fatigue and improve mental performance. Ashwagandha -- It has been shown to have a sedating effect on the body and helps to rebuild the digestive and nervous system. Eleuthero Root or Siberian Ginseng -- It has been used traditionally to stimulate and nourish the adrenal glands and increases mental alertness. Eleuthero is considered an "adaptogen" which means it can help the body adapt to stress. Cordyceps -- This is a Chinese mushroom used for supporting the adrenal gland and can also normalize immune function and support kidney, lung, liver, nervous system and cardiovascular function.

Hormones That Help Adrenal Fatigue

As for hormones, it is a good idea to be tested and find out what your hormone levels are before supplementing them. This way you'll know exactly what hormones are deficient. The three hormones below are most often supplemented when dealing with adrenal fatigue. DHEA - This is a basic adrenal hormone that the adrenals will convert into other hormones. If someone is very deficient in this hormone they may only be able to tolerate a small amount such as 5 mg. The average adult dose ranges between 10 and 25 mg. DHEA will also go on to become sex hormones such as testosterone and estrogen. Pregnenolone - This is a precursor to many of the hormones produced by the adrenal glands. It is a raw material that supports basic adrenal function. Pregnenolone is best taken towards the evening but may be taken earlier if it interferes with sleep. The usual dose is 50 mg. Progesterone Cream - Progesterone is the building block for many other major hormones such as cortisol, DHEA, testosterone and estrogen. If you are under a lot of stress and your adrenals are pumping out cortisol, your body will use available progesterone. If too much progesterone is used to produce cortisol, like with adrenal fatigue, not enough is produced to make testosterone which is needed for a woman’s healthy libido. I recommend progesterone in the form of a skin cream. Always make sure that it says progesterone USP so you know it's real progesterone.

Life Style Changes That Help Adrenal Fatigue

Removal of the stressors. This is the most important step. Emotional stressors such as marital, family, relationship, or financial problems needs to be dealt with and normalized. Rest and sleep are extremely important. You will need nine hours of sleep and maybe more for a very long time. Also rest after meals, at midmorning and mid-afternoon if possible. Gentle walking is beneficial but vigorous exercise depletes the adrenals. Deep breathing and stretching is also beneficial. You should exercise to relax rather than to build muscles or lose weight. Replace toxic cleaning products used around the house with natural products. There are natural alternatives available for cleaning. Hair dyes, shampoos, makeup and skin care products need to be replaced with natural versions. Adrenals are stressed by chemicals and so this is very important. Detoxification sauna therapy using an infrared sauna will greatly speed up recovery. If you are in adrenal burnout, use the sauna daily for no more than 30 minutes. Once or twice a week is excellent for prevention.

Adrenal Fatigue Diet

It may benefit you to add salt to your diet, especially upon rising and at least a half-hour before you have the lowest energy of the day. Take 1/8 to 1/2 teaspoonful of sea salt, Celtic salt or sea salt w/kelp powder, in an 8 oz glass of water. Below is a great article explaining the need for salt in adrenal fatigue. Don't let the title throw you off as you will see the connection to CFS as well. Nutritional Considerations in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome When the adrenal glands are fatigued they do not produce enough aldosterone. Aldosterone regulates the amount of sodium and potassium in the body. When aldosterone becomes deficient not enough salt is retained in the body. If you have been craving salt, this is probably the reason. There is a discussion about aldosterone at the Web page below. You'll have to scroll down to find it
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